Da Doo Meow Meow
Okay yes, I know that technically today should be Chilling Classics Cthursday but Your Honor, circumstances compelled me to move in a different direction. Those circumstances, you see, began with a text message from a pal asking if I'd seen a little 1991 made for TV horror movie
Les Peaks, c'est chic
YES I know that title should really be Les Peaks, ce sont chics, but that extra syllable throws the rhythm off okay! And as a member of Rhythm Nation in good standing (last time I checked, anyway), it must be prioritized. ANYWAY, if you are a listener of The Detective
Chilling Classics Cthursday: THE DEMON (1981)
Whether it's because yes, I'm still in the grip of this grippe or whether it's because it is simply his nature, RNGesus did me a kindness this week by selecting The Demon, a South African slasher curio that stars 50-pack King Cameron Mitchell as
Chilling Classics Cthursday: COVID (2025)
I thought I might be able to take a dip in the Mill Creek this week but it is not happening, I am sorry to say. I felt a bit better yesterday but I feel a bit worse today, and I know it's only been a couple of
Just what the doctor ordered
There has been something "going around" my li'l city and reader, I have caught it! It is some version of A Cold, but I have not been sick in years (nail polish emoji) and this Cold on Steroids is whipping my ass something good. I am
Hot for Horror's Hot Babes
At the risk of sounding like Garfield: Mondays, amirite? Who needs 'em. Where's my lasagna lmao. Well, to brighten up this grey and gloomy Monday, I thought for a bit about all things Amityville. Now to be fair, I think about all things Amityville no matter the
SHOCKtober: 10-1
*drumrolldrumrolldrumroll* It's time! It's finally time! So pull up your pants (or pull them down, if you prefer) and brace yourself for your SHOCKtober 2024 Top 10 favorite horror films! Yes, ackshully tecknikly there are four movies tied for third so their order is just made
SHOCKtober: 20-11
Le Top 20 begins! The bold number is the number of votes each film received. How are movies that received the same number of votes ranked and not tied? That's none of my business! Let the historians figure it out when this blog is unearthed 50 years from
SHOCKtober: 44-21
We've got more than 700 horror movies in our rear window (including #624, Rear Window), but today's the day we stop being polite and start getting real--by which I mean the I'll be adding the number of votes each film received in bold. 44.
SHOCKtober: 68-45
You know what, I'm just gonna shut up and get outta the way because man, we got nothin' but bangers today. It's kind of been that way every day, but today, wow. Okay, shutting up now. Let's get to it with movies that
SHOCKtober: 92-69
We are closing in on the end of SHOCKtober, folks. Kind of hard to believe, isn't it? But it's true, and I'll tell you how I know. You might be thinking "Uh, you looked at the calendar?" and yes, that's
SHOCKtober: 116-93
Wow, now that we are undie one hundie things are really starting to heat up! It's like we're at that point in a slasher movie where two of your friends have gone off somewhere to Do It but they've been gone way too long