Stacie Ponder

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 5 - "This sounds weird, but...I think there's something here!"

Today's movie, The Evil (1978, dir. Gus Trikonis), is another one vote favorite. Spoiler alert, there are going to be a lot of one vote faves featured this month. It's kind of the really compelling end of the list, isn't it? The underseen stuff,

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 4 - "She's a person, not just a dead body!"

Look, yes, something something judging DVDs by their covers and all that--but how can we not let our expectations fly when we settle down to watch a movie released in 2007 (prime dude bro era) with a title like Sick Nurses ("Whoa, sick nurses, bro!") and cover art

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 3 - "I have reached the dimension of remorse."

I don't know about you, but I have certainly reached the dimension of remorse plenty of times in my life. Self-induced haircuts, drinking champagne, of all things, all night at a friend's birthday celebration, all those innocent people I murdered, my "I look cool in

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 2 - "Frankly, I think we've entered a new age of madness."

Not to be too solipsistic or to have too much of a parasocial relationship with media...but sometimes it feels like certain movies were made expressly for me (or, in the case of today's movie, the one person who voted it a favorite). How else to explain the

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 1 - "You, too, can feel the joy and happiness of hating!"

Well would you look at that, it’s time for the SHOCKtober shenanigans to begin. This is always a weird time of year, isn’t it? Here in dotty old New England, at least, it’s like being caught in a liminal space between hot and spooky seasons (although some

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Who's that a-tappin' at my chamber window?

Why, it's none other than SHOCKtober! Let me tell you, she is primed and gross and ready for action. She's got her candy corns on standby, alternating black and orange plastic spider rings on every finger, and chin putty liberally applied in many places that certainly

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

No Skips: Takako Mamiya - LOVE TRIP (1982)

If you have been reading or listening to my bleatings and blatherings for any legth of time, then you know I harbor big fantasies about becoming the Great Value version of KAB's own Stevie Wayne. The closest I've gotten so far is the plaid shirt I

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

What would the neighbors say?

My gramma's house--that is to say the house my mother grew up in--was the sort of ordinary and unremarkable house that is becoming unattainable for the ordinary and unremarkable buyer of today. It was smack in the middle of a dead end street full of perfectly fine small-ish

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Possession is nine-tenths of this post

If you were to look up "What seeing The Exorcist at a formative age does to a motherfucker" in the dictionary, you might pause a moment to think "Wow, the OED is really just adding anything at all these days, huh?" But you might also see

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

What is Avenue X?

(Pretend there are Angelfire gifs of construction-type caution tape and "pardon our dust" stuff here.) This is Avenue X, a brand new home for things I write and who knows what else! It will be up and running here shortly (those Angelfire gifs are working hard behind the