Stacie Ponder

Stacie Ponder
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Chilling Classics Cthursday: CATHY'S CURSE (1977)

After the disappointment bestowed on me last week, RNGesus did me a real solid this time around, blessing me with an excuse to watch Cathy's Curse (1977) for the gazillionth time. In fact, it was thanks to this very same Mill Creek multi-pack that I saw it for

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Chilling Classics Cthursday: PANIC (1982)

It's been a while since I've called a movie a "Tiffany" around these parts, but it's so very on point for today's Chilling Classic that I'm busting the term out again. For those of you who are unfamiliar

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Chilling Classics Cthursday: OASIS OF THE ZOMBIES (1982)

At the risk of being thrown out of both the Real Horror Fans Gang and the Society of Lesbian Vampire Enjoyers, I must speak my truth: I do not enjoy the films of Jess Franco. Female Vampire almost makes the cut, but to be honest I would rather simply partake

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

A definitive ranking of Gena Rowlands's outfits in the 1975 COLUMBO episode "Playback"

It seems like everywhere you look on The Internet these days, social media and "the blogs" are overrun with discussions ranking Gena Rowlands's outfits in the Columbo episode "Playback" (original airdate 3/2/75). Honestly, I spent many a waking (and even occasionally a

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Chilling Classics Cthursday: WEREWOLF IN A GIRLS' DORMITORY (1961)

It used to be that when I would sit around fantasizing over what I'd teach were I a film professor, I would picture a syllabus with Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes written over and over and over, as if it was a document that Wendy Torrance found in

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Chilling Classics Cthursday: DRIVE-IN MASSACRE (1976)

I know what you're thinking! "Am I living in a cuckoo clock? Why is this post titled Chilling Classics Cthursday when today is clearly Cfriday? What kind of nonsense is this? Who does she think she's fooling? Or is it only Cthursday and I have

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Chilling Classics Cthursday: MEMORIAL VALLEY MASSACRE (1988)

Hot dog, there's just somethin' about video store slasher trash that sets my heart (and my pants-heart) ablaze! I don't mean the familiar franchise fare, nor do I mean the familiar franchiseless fare. I'm talking about the D-tier stuff, the movies that you

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Chilling Classics Cthursday: CRYPT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1973)

Not too long ago, I found myself digging around some nooks and crannies (hot, but not a euphemism) and unearthed myself a treasure from the naughty aughties: my Chilling Classics 50-movie pack, straight from theee esteemèd Mill Creek Entertainment. Is she not a thing of beauty? She sure is. So

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Arise, fair Esther

2023 is winding down and I say good riddance! Sure sure, there were plenty of creamy middles and even some delicious highs. But we cannot ignore low lows from the past year either, including but not limited to The Exorcist: Believer existing, a Blu-ray release of Stay Alive still not

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Le gaming round-up

I admit that since the SHOCKtober 2023 festivities went over the Rainbow Bridge, my horror movie intake has dropped precipitously. I'm still watching things here and there (and I've got stuff cookin'!), but this month I've overwhelmingly spent my time nuzzling the pillowy

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 31 - "It's Halloween. Everyone's entitled to one good scare."

Here we are, at the end of all things SHOCKtober 2023! My, how time flies when you're having horror movies. It's been a terrific time for me, giving a few films a second chance, revisiting some old faves, and watching many more that were entirely new

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 30 - "Sometimes you can get very weird. And you're getting worse lately."

The movie I'm writing about here today is not the movie I'd originally intended to write about her today. I had the other movie all picked out, the DVD in my hand. But as I was about to open the case, it was like something came