Stacie Ponder

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 17 - "You just shot a dead dog."

O reader mine, forgive me if today's post comes off as a bit scattered ("When don't your posts come off as scattered?" -- You, probably), but yesterday I done got myself (double) vassinated so I can be around you heifers and it went as

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 16 - "Love sure can do terrible things."

Yes folks, it's another one-vote wonder today, and what a wonder it is. Coming straight outta 1984, it's Michael Winner's trash in pastel cotton* epic Scream for Help. *please sing "trash in pastel cotton" to the tune of "Knights in White

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 15 - "These kids have turned into maniacs, they're trying to kill my ass!"

Here we are, halfway through SHOCKtober and I'm at long last, I'm starting to feel in the spirit of the season. I finally got me some pumpkin spice coffee. Leaves are doing their Autumn thing. I'm playing the "no, don't turn

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 14 - "You never know what might come out of the night."

When one reader put The Caller (1987) on their list of favorite horror movies back in 2020, I says to myself I says "Huh, never heard of it." Choosing movies from that list to watch this year, I saw The Caller and I says to myself I says

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 13 - "I got my beer, my sex partner...I'm fine."

Hey, happy Friday the 13th, everyone! Don't worry, despite the fact that nearly every entry in that storied franchise appeared on the big ol' list back in 2020, I'm not going to discuss any of the antics of Jason or Pamela or Roy today. Lawd

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 12 - "Oh, I am a ghost."

I will admit right here in front of the tens of you reading this that I have seen woefully few Robert Altman films. I will go on to admit that of the few I have seen, they haven't all thrilled me. I found Quintet (1979) to be a

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 11 - "I am telling you that strange things happen here."

Not to pop my collar too hard or anything, but man, spending this SHOCKtober with the movies you all called favorites back in 2020 is really paying off for me. So far, I've watched things I'd been meaning to see forever, or movies chosen from the

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 10 - "It was good, efficient butchery."

As a bonafide, certified, deep-fried fan of Lucio Fulci, I've long been a woman torn over whether or not I should check out his 1982 sleazsterpiece The New York Ripper. Every once in a while my curiosity would get me on the brink of diving into it, only

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 9 - "We're not supposed to be down here. No one is."

In this overly complicated workaday world of ours, I appreciate the simplicity of William Eubank's 2020 monster flick Underwater. Underwater has no lofty goals. It's only here to show you a good time. Thank you, Underwater! And thank you to the one person who voted it

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 8 - "Just because I drive a truck does not make me a truck driver."

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later: I'm afraid today brings us my first "That's a no for me, dawg" of the month. Infinite apologies to the lone reader who cited Road Games (1981) as a favorite! Going in, Road Games seemed

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 7 - "She was born under an unlucky star."

I'll just say what one voter already knew, right up front: The Vampire Doll (1970) rules. I'd long wanted to indulge in director Michio Yamamoto'sBloodthirsty Trilogy, and thanks to the blessings of SHOCKtober I finally cracked open the simply gore-geous Blu-ray from Arrow Video

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Day 6 - "I hate talking to ghosts with plaque on my teeth."

Reader, let me tell you a little bit about the journey my brain went on before hunkering down to indulge in a little something called Witchboard (1986), which earned three votes and entered the 2020 list of your favorite horror movies at number 246. I knew that I hadn'