Logs, pies, etc
Hello! I thought I would send up a flare about a new podcast endeavor I've got going on with Mike Muncer of The Evolution of Horror:

It's a weekly show that'll have us running through the entirety of Twin Peaks, episode by episode (and, you know, a movie when appropriate). The introductory episode is available now, wherever the finest podcasts are...available. Or you can listen right on the Evolution of Horror website.
Mike is a bonafide Twin Peaks lover and I am a bonafide Twin Peaks total newbie, so I'm excited to see where this journey takes us. I've been a frequent guest on EoH, both the main series and through the Patreon, and it's always a grand ol' time podcasting with Mike. So whether you are a Peaks fan or, like me, you've never seen it, I hope you'll dig the show. Grab your logs, subscribe, and join us as we...I don't know, walk across the weird zigzag floor?
See, I don't know this show. BUT I WILL. Huzzah!