SHOCKtober: 10-1

*drumrolldrumrolldrumroll* It's time! It's finally time! So pull up your pants (or pull them down, if you prefer) and brace yourself for your SHOCKtober 2024 Top 10 favorite horror films! Yes, ackshully tecknikly there are four movies tied for third so their order is just made up, but that's how we do it here in Stately Final Girl Manor. The number of votes each film received is in bold.
10. THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez) -- 40

9. BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974, Bob Clark) -- 40

8. THE DESCENT (2005, Neil Marshall) -- 42

7. THE WITCH (2015, Robert Eggers) -- 45

6. SUSPIRIA (2018, Luca Guadagnino) -- 49

5. SCREAM (1996, Wes Craven) -- 49

4. HALLOWEEN (1978, John Carpenter) -- 49

3. ALIEN (1979, Ridley Scott) -- 49

2. THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE (1974, Tobe Hooper) -- 52

1. THE THING (1982, John Carpenter) -- 62

SHE DID IT! SHE FINALLY DID IT! After spending three SHOCKtobers in the #2 spot, The Thing has scuttled far and away with the title this time around. Please, a round of awed, reverent applause for Miss SHOCKtobra 2024!

I'm so happy for her, she is truly the Susan Lucci of horror movies. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre made a huge leap, perhaps fueled by its 50th anniversary this year? Suspiria (2018) coming in at ackshully tecknikly 3rd is not as far a fall as I was anticipating...I guess you guys really like it?? Hmm, we shall see how all of these hold up in the future. Very exciting! I love SHOCKtober! I can't believe it's already SHOCKtover. I'll be back soon with a li'l wrap-up thingy and a link to the downloadable mega-list whenever I figure out how to do that. For now though, I'm gonna untie myself from this fucking couch!