
Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Les Peaks, c'est chic

YES I know that title should really be Les Peaks, ce sont chics, but that extra syllable throws the rhythm off okay! And as a member of Rhythm Nation in good standing (last time I checked, anyway), it must be prioritized. ANYWAY, if you are a listener of The Detective

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Invitation to Love (and a podcast)

I looked at the clock and realized it was high time to toss out a reminder about The Detective and the Log Lady, the weekly podcast about Twin Peaks that I'm co-hosting along with Mike Muncer of The Evolution of Horror.  We're on the back half

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

She's dead! Wrapped in plastic!

Thought I'd open the drapes (and close them) (and open them again) (and close them) (and...oh, you've probably watched Twin Peaks, right? you get it) to remind you (or inform you, if you had no idea...I don't know your life!) that The

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

Logs, pies, etc

Hello! I thought I would send up a flare about a new podcast endeavor I've got going on with Mike Muncer of The Evolution of Horror: It's a weekly show that'll have us running through the entirety of Twin Peaks, episode by episode (and,

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

This week's five obsessions

Gather 'round, children, as I give you a glimpse into five of the things that have been on my mind, in front of my eyeballs, and in my earholes this week! Neat. LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN (1945, dir. John M. Stahl) Wowzee wow! Saw this one for the first

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

A definitive ranking of Gena Rowlands's outfits in the 1975 COLUMBO episode "Playback"

It seems like everywhere you look on The Internet these days, social media and "the blogs" are overrun with discussions ranking Gena Rowlands's outfits in the Columbo episode "Playback" (original airdate 3/2/75). Honestly, I spent many a waking (and even occasionally a

Stacie Ponder
Members Public

What is Avenue X?

(Pretend there are Angelfire gifs of construction-type caution tape and "pardon our dust" stuff here.) This is Avenue X, a brand new home for things I write and who knows what else! It will be up and running here shortly (those Angelfire gifs are working hard behind the